Last week my students, the first class of our pilot UNFPA Digital Media Accelerator Program, presented a poster exhibition as well as an oral presentation on the power of color at PRSM (Public Relations Society of Malawi).
They also produced and presented an animation they wrote on teen pregnancy in Malawi and how to help reach Malawi’s 2063 Vision goals.
I’m a bit tired from all the preparation, travel, execution, etc… so instead of me being too wordy, I’ll put some images that illustrate a bit more what we have been up to.

That last image is of my students with Malawi’s Vice President Chilima. I didn’t get to take a photo with him too though as I was trying to ensure the students’ presentation materials were ready for them. They presented about 15 minutes after that photo was taken.
And here are their posters on the power of color!
Thankfully everything worked and all went well!
New Painting Ready!
In the studio, I’ve been busy celebrating color as well.
The throat chakra (here depicted below as a blue lotus) is responsible for communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak your personal truth. It’s a meditation on being in balance with one’s own truth and having the confidence to express oneself out loud to be seen and heard.

Speaking of celebrating color, I recently put together a 2022 calendar of recent drawings and paintings from the past year.
I also did my (now) usual Monday morning live studio visit and update on Facebook . Catch this week’s here and learn more about the calendar collection, see new work, and get some of my very best productivity tips.
🍂 Warming Up for Fall and Winter

Before I started painting and drawing again sans computer earlier in 2021, I was making digital paintings over the past few years. This image (above) is called Fireplace (Winter Warming Image.) Using my favorite color psychology and color therapy techniques, this image uses colors that will physically make you feel warmer, depending on how large it is in the room. It can make a room actually feel a few degrees warmer.
I originally come from chilly Massachusetts where the winters are long and unforgiving. When I lived in Boston and New York City, I always would put shades of red and orange in my living area or bedroom as well as have orange lighting to make me feel warmer.
I created this for those who live in cold climates or for those who just need a little color boost to feel warmer when it’s cold outside. This works best at medium to larger sizes and if you also have warm lighting (yellows, oranges, or reds.)
What Else is Going On?
In my part of the world (Malawi) it’s Spring and actually quite hot. I’ve been drawing some inspiration for new drawings and paintings from the natural beauty in our area.
We recently visited Majete Wildlife Reserve. I call this photo “Tween on Safari.” That’s my very laid back son Lukas with one of the many beautiful elephants we saw a few weeks ago.

I’ve also been making a new drawing based on my husband’s recent ostrich selfie. Here it is (below) in progress: Watch the video on Instagram
And here’s the final version:

Well, that’s all for now.
Wishing you a great day and week/weekend ahead.
Best wishes,
P.S. – Did you know I share daily behind the scenes updates on Instagram? If you’re interested in the process of how my work is created, follow me at @kristen.palana_arts!