Free at Last: Live, Love, and Work Abroad

This small excerpt from my forthcoming book, Free At Last: Live, Love, and Work Abroad as a 21st Century Global Citizen comes from Chapter 1: Bringing the World to You. — When I was firmly planted in my hometown of Swansea, Massachusetts for the better part of...

This Too Shall Pass (2014)

Watch Online Now 3 Min. 55 Sec. HD.Is it possible to be simultaneously ecstatic and miserable? Will this moment ever end? How I wish it would last forever. This Too Shall Pass is an animated short that takes an honest look at the extreme highs and lows of parenting...

Welcome to My Hermit Kingdom

I admit it. I am smug. I am smug because for one semester anyway, I am on sabbatical and so far it is everything I hoped it would be and more. Usually I align myself with the struggling underdog masses, and yet at this moment I find myself in the privileged .1% of...

Recommended Reading and Worthy Links

Here are just a few of my favorite books and links related to topics covered in  Veggie Propaganda: Books Eating Animals -by Jonathan Safran Foer Death By Supermarket. The Fattening, Dumbing-Down, and Poisoning of America -by Nancy Deville Fast Food Nation. The Dark...

Veggie Propaganda (2011)

Veggie Propaganda is a quirky, sing-song animation that puts a spotlight on animals, our relationship with them and their rights.  This 2D fine-art/digital animation features original music performed by New York City band, The Penultimate. (6 Min. HD) View list of...