Are you tired each New Year of everyone telling you you need to change, be better, be more this, be less that?
Me too. Not that we all couldn’t be more loving, giving, empathetic, and more apt to take better care of our minds, bodies, and spirits… But this deficit-based, never good enough thinking can become exhausting. -And it’s no way to start off a new year.
It’s my humble opinion that instead of us focusing each year on how we can better fit in with everyone else, have more goodies than so and so, lose that stubborn belly flab, and get more more more, etc., what if instead we modeled the behavior we expect from the rest of the world? What if WE were the shining examples that everyone else aspired to be like?
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World
So, you want to be given more respect? Be respectful to others.
You just can’t resist a heated battle with an Internet troll (or president-elect)? “Kill” the bugger with kindness instead of sarcasm and hate. Tell them they are cute when they are angry and then link to a corny song like this one and walk away from the glowing screen:
Loving your enemies at the very least confuses the sh*t out of them. And that alone should make you smile. Then join forces with those who also promote peace, love, and unity and work with them to help bring it about. Don’t waste time with those who only find happiness in schadenfreude (that’s the happiness of hearing about or watching the misery and misfortune of others.)
You’re Perfect Just As You Are
It’s something of a New Year’s tradition for me to write an anti-New Year’s resolution post. Case in point, here’s a past post called Get Fat. Sleep In. Change Nothing. It’s about appreciating how perfect you already are. No changes needed! It’s especially written for fellow-perfectionists and those who are service-oriented who often put themselves last while taking care of everyone else first.
I also prefer around this time of year to think about what I should STOP doing as opposed to taking up a million more responsibilities and self-improvement projects. Have you made your Stop-Do List yet? Here’s some easy tips to get you up and running (and stopping doing all the things that no longer serve you right away!)
So do I have any New Year’s Resolutions of my own this year? Oh yes, I wouldn’t be me if I wasn’t always aspiring to be my best self. Speaking of self, I actually aim to make 2017 my year of “selfish” self-love. I want to say no to projects and jobs that don’t really interest me and say yes more to making art, writing, and following my bliss (instead of doing what I think everyone expects me to.) It’s actually a plan to restore my self so I can continue being of service to others without burning out. Is “more self care” on your Resolutions List as well?
So Here’s a Little Image Therapy to Help See You Into the New Year With Confidence
With that, I’ll leave you with my first digital painting of 2017. Resilience is made with a special blend using color psychology and color therapy to help see you into the new year with confidence. Visit my new online store, Soul Colors- Therapeutic Wellness Images for more images that promote happiness and well being with their special color blends.
Here’s to you being your best self in 2017 and everyone around you being inspired through your great example to try and do the same.
Peace out and wishing you a 2017 that is as amazing as you are!
Thanks for the inspiring post! Loved the “Stop Do List” article as well. ❤ In spite of the current political and social climate, we each can strive to rise above and do our part to make 2017 a great year.
Thanks Anastasia! So glad the post resonated with you. It’s not always easy taking the high road but it’s the better choice. Wishing you all the best for the year ahead!
Are you taking a jab at the U.S. President Elect? Isn’t that the exact opposite of what you’re trying to convey in this blog post?
Hi Brian,
What I am trying to convey in this blog post is that one doesn’t need to get roped into a heated battle with an internet troll or anyone posting abuse. Yes, the last time this happened to me was when I posted a web article that criticized the President Elect’s behavior and an angry Trump fan with a username like “LiberalDestroyer” tried over and over to insult me and push my buttons. I took the bate at first by responding sarcastically but not insulting back. Then I told him he was cute when he’s angry. Nope. Didn’t work. That wasn’t the answer he wanted. Finally I wrote something like “You are clearly a wonderful person and I wish you nothing but the best.” And he stopped. He even wished me the best back. So yes, that was a reference to Trump, some of his supporters who are trolls, and their bad behavior on the internet. But trolls come in all shapes, sizes, and flavors. Best to avoid.