Ch-Ch-Ch-Change Is Great For Your Creativity
How are you doing with your creative process at work, at home, and in your projects? Have you found one technique works better than the others for you? (I’m a list-maker myself!)
If you are starting to get into a rut again, it could be that you need to make yourself make a change.
1.) Change It Up!
It could be using a new material (wood instead of canvas, pixels instead of paint, etc). It could mean working large when you normally work small. Or it could be setting a timer and having yourself create quickly in an hour instead of fussing for weeks, months, and years. You would be surprised how quickly your enthusiasm returns once you start working in a different way.
Have a look at this quick 2-minute lecture below for an animated illustration of “Change It Up!” in action.
This is a sample lesson from my online course, Skyrocket Your Creativity and Get Better Ideas: 7 Easy Ways. You can preview more lessons and get a special discount for the full course here if you’d like to learn how to get more and better ideas in just under 1 hour.
2.) Sleep On It
Did you know that some of the best ideas are generated while you are asleep and not even trying? *Related: 8 Famous Ideas That Came From Dreams (Literally.)
I can hear your argument already. “But I can never even remember my dreams! I’m not sure I even dream at all.” It may feel like that at times, but in fact everyone dreams.
Even if it feels weird or uncomfortable, there is a way to help you remember. It just takes a bit of practice and perseverance.
Read more about how to harness your creativity from your dreams here: How to Become More Creative While You Sleep
3.) Find the Extraordinary in Your Ordinary Day and Beat Your Creative Blocks
Once you are awake and have had your first cup of coffee, you might be interested in learning how to take a boring old ordinary day and turn it into an extraordinary one.
If you’ve been trying (and failing) for a while to break out of your humdrum daily routine and seize life by the cajones (thank you high school Spanish), you might want to start smaller and see how everything already around you is already interesting and wonderful just the way it is.
In the spirit of those “1,000 Reasons to Be Happy” lists that were all the rage in the 90’s, here’s my simple list of how you can add some oomph into your day, even if you have no special plans or special funds to give your life a jump start. Check the free video lecture and my blog post: 7 Ways to Make a Boring Day Extraordinary

4.) Stop Fussing and Start Doing!
There are thousands of free tools available that make it easy for you to get started creating images, animation, video, graphics, and even websites even if you have zero design or technical experience and don’t know where to start.
Have a look at my very best FREE resources and tools. In just 10 minutes I will have you up and running making something new and exciting today. Get started here: 5 Easy & Free Tools That Will Free Your Creative Soul.
I’ll walk you through the best free tools online and have you making something within the next hour or so that you will be proud of. Promise!
5.) Find Some Support and Share in Our Creativity Group
Finally, if you haven’t done so already, consider joining a Facebook group I run called Creativity Is Contagious: Make and Share Daily.
The idea behind this group is to share something new daily (or more realistically every few days if need be!) It can be artwork you made, a photo you took, a quote you stumbled across, a blog post, some writing, a creative list, a new recipe, or any idea you may have.
Research backs up that the more you create, the better and better your ideas and projects become simply by increasing the quantity of what you make. I hope you will join us and share the good, bad, and the ugly daily or weekly.
Come on over and introduce yourself, make some new friends, share what you are working on, and get a nudge from me of you need one.
Hope to see you there!
Thanks for reading. If you like this topic, you might like to also check out my online course, Skyrocket Your Creativity and Get Better Ideas: 7 Easy Ways. Preview the free lessons and get a special discount for the full course here.
Got any other easy creativity tips for beating creative blocks? Please leave them in the comments or post a link to your own creative work.
Best wishes,